Monday, October 22, 2012

How to See the Full Referring URL in GA - Google Analytics


Google Analytics doesn’t let you see from what specific page your visitors are coming from particular referral link Url.

For example, instead of showing this as the traffic referrer:

It will just show you this:

That’s not very useful information…

The solution to view the full URL of the referring site is to implement, We can use filters to place the referrer into the User Defined Report.

To see the full URL, You need to set up the custom filter, For set up follow this Instructions:

Go to your Google Analytics account (Click Admin) and click on Filter Manager > Add Filter, and enter the following information:

Filter Name: Full Referrer (or whatever you want to call it)
Filter Type: Custom Filter -> Advanced
Field A -> Extract A: Referral (.*)
Field B -> Extract B: leave blank
Output To -> Constructor: User Defined $A1
Field A Required: Yes
Field B Required: No
Override Output Field: Yes
Case Sensitive: No

It should be look like this:

Please look at your Traffic Sources, in GA, You frequently see like this:

Too see your User Defined Report With the full information about the referring sites, click on “Content” in the secondary dimensions and choose “User Defined Value”. You should get something like this:

That’s it! Pretty easy, yet very useful.

- By Jigar Pandya


GA Help:

Direct Download the full Document Here...  How See the Full Referring URL in GA

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